Friday, 26 April 2013

The most popular beaded bracelet in SA, helps save rhinos

I vividly recall the day I met the team that would eventually become Rhino warriors; I was covering a story about a group of people who had just gotten back from an expedition delivering mosquito nets to a Malaria hotspot in Africa (Mission of the heart). Their excitement over the mission’s success was palpable and everyone was talking a mile a minute so it was hard to keep focussed on the story at hand, especially with mention of the exciting conservation programme in the pipeline. That was when I’d met Chris Thorpe-the man who would become the driving force behind the RHINO FORCE.  Fast forward a few months to June 2011 and the article 'You can help Save SA's rhinos' introduced the beaded bracelet to SA.
Now two-years and several media appearances later, RHINO FORCE is going stronger than ever having just donated R4.6 million to rhino conservation and to think it all started with a beaded bracelet! Well done team RHINO FORCE!
RHINO FORCE’s red, black and white beaded bracelet remains SA’s best-selling rhino accessory, maintaining unprecedented success in raising awareness and funds for rhino conservation. In total RHINO FORCE paid R3 050 597.59 to Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT) from sales of RHINO FORCE bracelets. This multi-million rand donation, acknowledged in thanks by the EWT, supports the NGO’s rhino programmes.
RHINO FORCE also thanks the EWT for their conservation activities undertaken in security and protection; wildlife trade law compliance; judiciary awareness and strategic support as the bracelet organisation re-directs its efforts to fully support rhino translocation.
This fine-tuned approach is in response to an urgent need for immediate, direct action, and in support of IUCN’s principle of translocation as a method to save a species from extinction. Proudly sponsored by MITSUBISHI SA, RHINO FORCE support Africa Foundation, and fund the translocation of rhino from South Africa to Botswana – a safe haven in terms of security and monitoring. Relocating rhino to suitable habitats spreads them out over a larger area. Translocation also enables rapid growth rates, and is the reason we have 400 separate populations in 9 African countries today.
Rhino bracelet sales have raised R400,000 for Africa Foundation, over and above the R3 050 597.59 paid to the EWT. RHINO FORCE also facilitated a whopping R1.1 million from corporate donors, including Motorite Administrators, for the first RHINO FORCE relocation project. The first group of rhino are ready for release in Botswana.
The original RHINO FORCE beaded bracelet, launched in June 2011, is synonymous with rhino conservation, remaining a best-seller.  Over 500,000 local and international supporters have donned the conservation accessory. The continued support from retail, corporate and individuals has raised awareness for the critical threat to our rhino populations.
“We have identified a direct, immediate conservation action that is saving rhino today, through the sale of the beaded bracelet. Monies we raise and facilitate go directly to translocation. We believe it’s important to involve and educate South Africa in this fight,” says Joanne Lapin Thorpe, co-founder of RHINO FORCE. “We look forward to many more translocation projects and saving our rhinos.”

To help save the rhino, buy a bracelet online at